It seems that a large percentage of Americans would at least want the closure or satisfaction of visually confirming Bin Laden's demise. Maybe photos can be doctored, though - so no corpse, and no photos - just a lot of political parading and grandstanding.
I guess the thing about the Bin Laden kill that is giving me the creeps is that I believe that 9/11 was an inside job. WTC 7 wasn't hit by a plane or a bomb, yet it still collapsed cleanly into its own footprint. But wait - how could they have so neatly demolished Building 7 that same day (9/11/2001) without already having placed the explosives? And how did they know in advance that explosives needed to be placed? Even more compelling to me is the information emerging from the Pentagon "event." CNN's reporter, Jamie McIntyre, plainly asserts (in this video) that at the explosion site there is no evidence of a big plane. There were no engines, no wings, no plane-seats, no passenger bodies - NO NOTHING - but a ten foot wide hole in the wall of the Pentagon - not nearly large enough to have been caused by a plane with wings and engines. What kind of story was told to the families of the passengers of the plane that really didn't crash into the Pentagon? ---- "Sorry, your husband's body was pulverized by the impact of the collision, so we have nothing left but dust." ??? "At least now you can dance, chant and celebrate because we just assassinated the boogey-man."
Are we like the people in the "Emperor's New Clothes" story who swallow the official story that the Emperor has fine clothes when he is in fact naked. Do we trust the government that may have blithely murdered 3,000+ Americans on 9/11? Do we place so much blind faith in the corruptible "arm of flesh", that we accept the lies that the economy is stable and recovering, and that "All is well in Zion"?