I would like to be a fly on the wall when a Utah reporter asks the LDS Church spokesperson if the Church feels okay about the Reynolds decision getting tested in the 10th Circuit or in the SCOTUS. I imagine an army of General Authorities writhing in discomfort. - - - - "President Monson, since polygamy was ended in the Church because it was outlawed by the federal government - and seeing that it has now been decriminalized, will the Church resume its practice?"
The wall is cracking, and the wire has been tripped.
I see another interesting parallel in the world of Mormondom. Even in Arizona, I have occasion to run across faithful LDS members. When they learn of my lifestyle, they are inquisitive, and sometimes uncomfortable. I guess that discomfort would be equivalent to the discomfort some might feel when sitting next to two conspicuously gay men on a train. What is it about polygamy that makes Mormons squirm (even the men)?
I have a daughter in her early twenties who also knows several LDS people. Sometimes she gets into discussions with them about the differences between modern and (her) traditional Mormon beliefs. Inevitably, with my daughter's persuasiveness, one of her friends learns more than he or she planned to, and the conversation gets awkward. She will ask her friend if she would like to learn more, and the answer is no. What could be disturbing about hearing the teachings of Mormon founders like Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and John Taylor?
Oh, I know what it is. They are paralyzed with a fear of learning the truth. If your spouse were in the armed forces, and two uniformed soldiers came knocking on your front door one day, you too would prefer to turn them away and not hear tragic news. That is human nature.
Whether they realize it or not, my daughter's friends are looking down at a trip-wire. It is there, just inches away, threatening them with horror and oblivion. If they listen more to the message of the fullness of the Restoration, they might suddenly realize that the Church has been lying for 122 years. Sheer dread !!! Oh, no !!! How can I live without the Church? - and my friends? - and the temple? It would be the end of my life, or the world!
The Church has developed a clever decoy - the myth of continuing revelation. Recent General Conference talks like this one reassure the faithful that the revelations from God have been flowing steadily (in an "ongoing stream") since 1820 until today (with Monson). This is a deceit for at least two reasons:
1. The many revelations given to presidents John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff (regarding plural marriage among other things) are concealed from members. The Church presumes (correctly) that if its members read those revelations, they will leave the Church. The Church repudiates the revelations to those key prophets.
2. After Wilford Woodruff's 1889 (farewell) revelation from God, not a single president of the Church has published (or even received, I believe) the text of A SINGLE revelation given to him by God, where God is the one doing the talking.
If LDS members venture ANYWHERE NEAR these jarring realizations, the bubble is burst, the wire is tripped, and the Wizard of Oz is exposed as a fraud. So they recoil. When they start to get that unnerving sensation that their fundamentalist friend might just be on to something, they clam up, shut down, and run for the hills - anything to avoid that trip-wire.
I hope you agree with me that this is sad. An entire generation of millions is living under the ether of deceit and disinformation. They are told, "We have a living prophet". Tell me, dear reader, what revelations have you heard from Hinckley or Monson? What prophecies have they delivered at the pulpit? What exactly has our Heavenly Father said to them? Can you get me a copy of it to study, ponder and pray about?
Bottom line - an ecclesiastical corporation has succeeded in convincing millions to flee from the truth. They fear the trip-wire, the red pill (see The Matrix). God told Joseph Smith that this would happen when He said,
28 "And when the times of the Gentiles is come in, a light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness, and it shall be the fulness of my gospel;
29 But they receive it not; for they perceive not the light, and they turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men." (Doctrine & Covenants, Section 45)